If you got any FPS drops , freezes or laggs please try the next steps to solve your Laggs.


1.) Make sure your Nav.exe is running ! Dont Close it ! ( it needs to run in backround while botting )



2.) Check if your Background / Foreground FPS is active ! If so , deactivate it !




Classic / WOTLK


3.) Disable ALL your Addons !



4.) Check your MMAPS Files in your NoName Folder XXXX\NoNameRelease\mmaps and Redownload it from NoName!







If all these Steps doesnt help you , please create a Ticket in our Discord .



Updated on January 2, 2023
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There are many journeys to be taken in Azeroth, and using OneZero Profiles is one of them.

By singing up on our trial you will get access to some of our profiles. Make sure you can start right away because this offer is limited to 120 minutes only.

Let us know how your journey went by sending us a message on Discord.