Order of Auto-Assigning Talents for Dragonriding Using the Onezero Ingame UI Setting


If you make use of the Onezero Ingame UI setting, your dragon acquires new talents in a specific order. Here is the sequence:

  1. Take of the Skies
  2. Dynamic Stretching
  3. Thrill Chaser
  4. Redirection
  5. Ohn’ahar’s Gusts
  6. Dragonriders Compassion (Special Entry: 82385)
  7. Restorative Travels
  8. Airborn Tumbling
  9. Dragonriding Leaner
  10. Dragonriders Cultivation (Special Entry: 82382)
  11. Yearning for the Sky
  12. At Home Aloft
  13. Beyond Infinity
  14. Ground Skimming
  15. Lands Blessing
  16. Aerial Halt
  17. Airborn Recovery

The talents are automatically assigned in this order as your dragon progresses. This sequence applies when the Onezero Ingame UI setting is enabled, ensuring a smooth and intuitive talent progression for your dragon.

Updated on May 21, 2023
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